United Kingdom or UK bank branch sort code, Address, Location, contact details and Working Hours total details are available at one place. You can easily find out the UK Bank’s branch sortcode, Address & other details.
NATIONAL IRISH BANK Branch name Nat Irish Bank Pensions Ltd at UK City Dublin 24 IRELAND Sort code 95-19-65 Situated at National House, 1 Airton Close, Tel: 353 1 4840000, Tallaght, Dublin 24 IRELAND Contact details
What is Sort code?
UK Bank Sort Code is most important factor for any bank transactions. Sort code is the combination of the 6 digit code or number that identifies your bank.
It is divided in to two part the first part of two digits identify the bank name
And last four digits used to specific branch of the bank, where you opened the account.
NATIONAL IRISH BANK Nat Irish Bank Pensions Ltd Sort Code
Sort Code Equvalient to 95 19 65 | 951965
NATIONAL IRISH BANK Nat Irish Bank Pensions Ltd City
Dublin 24 IRELAND
NATIONAL IRISH BANK Nat Irish Bank Pensions Ltd Address
National House, 1 Airton Close, Tel: 353 1 4840000, Tallaght, Dublin 24 IRELAND
NATIONAL IRISH BANK Nat Irish Bank Pensions Ltd Contact Details & Phone